

  • Member since April 2015

Name Game Role Type Participants Created On Progress
Insert Game Presents: BLAZIN' FISTS! NO.2 GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- Participant DE 26 03-27-23
Melty Blood - Type Lumina - Insert Game Opening Tournament Melty Blood: Type Lumina Participant DE 11 10-05-21
Hardedge Monthly(?) AC+R Tournament #1 Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Participant DE 21 10-27-20
Insert Game Tekken 7 September Ranbat TEKKEN 7 Participant DE 8 08-28-17
Insert Game Guilty Gear Xrd-R2 September Ranbat Guilty Gear Xrd Rev2 Participant DE 13 08-28-17
Insert Game Blazblue Central Fiction Ranbat September BlazBlue: Cental Fiction Participant DE 6 08-28-17
Insert Game Tekken 7 Ranbat August TEKKEN 7 Participant DE 5 07-27-17
Insert Game Guilty Gear Xrd-R2 August Ranbat Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2 Participant DE 6 07-27-17
Tekken 7 Ranbat July TEKKEN 7 Participant DE 18 06-28-17
Insert Game Blazblue Central Fiction 06.05 Blazblue Central fiction Participant DE 5 04-10-17
Insert Game Guilty Gear Xrd-R 06.05 Guilty Gear Xrd Participant DE 11 04-10-17
Insert Game Blazblue Central Fiction 04-17 BlazBlue: Chronophantasma Participant DE 7 03-13-17
Insert Game Street Fighter V Ranbat 03-17 Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition Participant DE 13 02-27-17
Insert Game Guilty Gear Xrd-R 03-17 Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator Participant DE 12 02-27-17
Insert Game Blazblue Central Fiction 03-17 BlazBlue:Central Fiction Participant DE 6 02-27-17
Insert Game Blazblue Central FictionJan2017 BlazBlue: Central Fiction Participant DE 15 01-02-17
Insert Game Guilty Gear Xrd-R Jan2017 Guilty Gear Xrd Participant DE 18 01-02-17
Insert Game GG -Xrd- Revelator Ranbat November Guilty Gear Xrd Participant DE 10 11-02-16
Insert Game GG -Xrd- Revelator Ranbat October Guilty Gear Xrd Participant DE 11 09-12-16
King of Fighter XIV @ Insert Game The King of Fighters XIV Participant DE 11 08-26-16